Fig. 12.1 — Self-induced back action optical trap

Chapter 12 — Advanced Techniques

As we have seen in the previous Chapters, a single strongly-focused laser beam is a powerful tool to trap and manipulate microscopic particles. Furthermore, we have seen in Chapter 11 that multiple and dynamic optical tweezers can be generated using diffractive optics. However, this does not exhaust the potential of optical trapping and manipulation. Indeed, as optical forces have been applied to the so- lution of problems in different fields, they have been adapted to and hybridised with the techniques available and needed in these fields. An example of such an advanced hybrid application is shown in Fig. 12.1, where a feedback optical trap is used to hold a nanoparticle in a bow-tie nanoaperture fabricated on the tip of a ta- pered metallised optical fibre. In this Chapter, we will survey these more advanced techniques, i.e., the hybridisation of optical tweezers and spectroscopic techniques, the generation of extended optical force landscapes, the use of optical fibre traps, evanescent wave traps and feedback traps, and the exploitation of haptic devices to interface the microworld and the user.

12.1  Spectroscopic optical tweezers
12.1.1  Fluorescence tweezers
12.1.2  Photoluminescence tweezers
12.1.3  Raman tweezers

12.2  Optical potentials
12.2.1  Periodic and quasi-periodic potentials
12.2.2  Random potentials and speckle tweezers

12.3  Counter-propagating traps and optical fibre traps
12.3.1  Optical stretcher
12.3.2  Longitudinal optical binding

12.4  Evanescent wave traps
12.4.1  Evanescent tweezers
12.4.2  Waveguides
12.4.3  Optical binding
12.4.4  Plasmonic traps

12.5  Feedback traps

12.6  Haptic optical tweezers


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