Philip H. Jones, Onofrio M. Maragò & Giovanni Volpe
Figure 9.13 — Cross-correlation function and crosstalk reduction
Figure 9.13 — Cross-correlation function and crosstalk reduction. (a) Cross-correlation function (CCF) between the QPD signals xqpd and yqpd (black solid line), autocorrelation function (ACF) of xqpd (grey solid line) and ACF of yqpd (dashed solid line). Inset: the probability distribution of xqpd and yqpd is an inclined elliptical Gaussian distribution. (b) CCF between the decorrelated signals xqpd′ and yqpd′ (black solid line) is close to zero and coincides with the x-axis in the graph. ACF of xqpd′ (grey solid line) and ACF of yqpd′ (dashed solid line). Inset: the major axes of the probability distribution of xqpd′ and yqpd′ coincide with the coordinate axes.